Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I was just thinking of little posting game on Face Book that I participated in..One of the statements I made was ..I am a loner..but not always by gets truer every day..I dont have numerous friends that I can spend time with or chat on the phone with. I am not trying to make anyone feel sorry for is just the way it hard feelings no nothing. Just circumstance of where I live and so forth. But ,never the less...a loner..but not always by choice.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The other day, Aug 10th, we had a missive hail store in our little neck of the woods. In fact, just as it started James and I were headed home form going to the movie 'Smurfs" . When we got out of the movie it was starting to rain. Big lovely drops , making a big "Splat" as they hit the ground and the pick -up. We hopped in the truck and head to Wendys for a burger and then hurry hope beofre it got to bad.....tooo late....
We were caught on the way home in the biggest hail storm my eyes had ever beheld. There was zero visiblity, hail coming so hard and fast that the wipers couldnt keep up.
We had to pull over as far as I could for fear that a semi might come up behind us and to be able to see us or stop. The hail broke the ventshades...dented the hood and sides of the truck. Wow is all I can say. I was able to see ahead for a few feet and took off for home..only to have to stop again. Then it did clear a bit and I took off for home having to drop it into 4 wheel drive to make it up the slight incline. It was like driving on marbles.
As we turned the corner to home it has just a super hard rain with hail mixed in. I pulled into the driveway...only to see a house with a broken window, and siding that was in a mess or holes. It was a very bad storm!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It is going to be an interesting week. I made dill pickles yesterday. Very easy to make..not easy to fault totally. Today I am going to dehydrate eggplant into planks for veggie lasagna. My mind is a jumble with all the things I wanna try and trying to find out if I am just lazy of in a rut.
School start Aug.25th.. lets just say I cant wait! I am looking forward to having a clean house and being myself again , not a slave to a beautiful little boy! lol.. I am exciting for fall and doing fall decorating. It is a wonderful time of the year , full of different colors and smells. Cant wait to brake out the scarecrows!!
I am excited to see the potatoes do any good here. I am not planted potatoes since we left Idaho. I think this has been the best looking garden I have even had! Even watermelon has trived!! So excited for that!
I talked to my sister today, since my mom is gone, I had no one to tell of my canning adventures. It is always good to talk to her! She is a marvelous cook and I am in awe of what she can do in a day.!! Today I love life!! I will ask myself that again tomorrow when Brett is gone to Denver for two days on an over nighter.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Today, since about 8am the hubbs and I have been working on the shed we are making. Up and down the ladder, run days of my life because we are together. But God knows he is a slave driver...I am unable to finish what I want to say because my angel is calling to me! So another day I will pour out my heart and think of things that run through my head.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Today as I see it.

I have had a blast in the new group on FB called "You know you grew up in Idaho Falls if you rember....."..It has brought back so many memories of days gone by and of and era I shant forget. I have spend and hour on here just reminising on such land marks , places to eat that are no more..and signs and funny little things we did.
It is an odd thing to connect with people I do not know and some I do and remember things the way I do. We all traveled North Gate Miles..sat in the Buttreys parking lot when the cruise was on st. Then McDonalds when it moved. It made my mind happy..tha is what I have learned today...sometimes if you just reach are met with like minds!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

As some of you may or may not know, I have suffered with Major Depressive Disorder for about 20 years now. I have been able to go off meds many times. I am grateful that I have had some healing during those times. But it does aggravate me to have to keep going back on them to bridge a stress induced re-occurance . I have learned that caffine can impeed the performance of these drugs. But since I seem to rely on caffine to bridge the gap between morning and night it is a hard thing to ween yourself off of.
I know you may wonder what I have to stress over.. me is really just life ..everyone has things come up that make them question themselves and everything in general. Each move tends to cause a flare up...a death..worry..and news from a child that you really didnt want. But since life sends you all sorts of challenges mine is not anything that all of you have not, or will not, at sometime go through.
I have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am . Doesnt want me to change...except for me to love sports! We have made a life for ourselves where ever we have landed. He has had some extremely stressful days at his job. But I worry for him and want to take all his stress and pain away. He has loved me through some horrible situations and continues to be my bestfriend!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Now my mind is thinking of perfume..I LOVE GOOD PERFUME.....I guess you could call me a snob about perfume. Some how in my body chemistry there was a mix up and I cant wear a low cost fragrance. It goes sour or smells like bug spray. So ..I dont spend over 36.00 for a pair of jeans...but I will spend 100.00 for fine fragrance that makes me smell fabulous!